Domain names (website addresses) are a mission-critical aspect of your business's online presence. When you register a domain name with us DNS records are created, these records enable online services to utilise your domain name.

By default, a typical website has a generic set of records that enable people to access your website and to enable you to receive email via your domain name. However, there are a number of circumstances when you may need to provide access to these DNS records to enable an external service provider or vendor to set up one or more products and services. The most common examples are Office 365, Google Apps, and helpdesks.

You can edit your DNS records by logging into your website's control panel (cPanel) and finding the Zone Editor icon/option under the Domains section of the interface as shown below. You can normally access your website's control panel via


You can also create an additional login account for an external vendor under preferences then user management. However, please note that user privileges are not granular enough to restrict users to only having access to domain management. Therefore it is preferred that requests from external vendors are sent to us, and we will add them the same business day. When you do provide access ensure that access is only temporary and is only provided to trusted vendors.

You can learn how to log into your cPanel account here.

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