A domain name (www.yourdomain.com.au) is a critical aspect of your online brand. It enables things like your website and email to work effectively. When you register a domain name with another business we may ask you to transfer your domain name to us to manage.

This is never a requirement but it does allow us to provide support faster and it also streamlines managing your online identity.

The Domain Transfer Process

Transferring a domain name is a straightforward process and all that is normally required is the domain's password. Once you provide this password to us we are able to initiate the transfer to our registry and no action is normally required on your part. However, often you will receive one or more emails both from us as well as from your current domain register providing updates on the transfer process.

The content of the emails you receive from the registry of origin can vary but may sometimes refer to Synergy Wholesale, this is simply a reference to our domain wholesaler.

When a transfer is complete, you retain complete ownership of the domain and we simply manage it on your behalf. In the case of Australian-based domain name suffixes like .com.au the domain is tied to your Australian Business Name (ABN) or an equivalent.

Unresponsive Past Developer or Designer

If you do not have access to your domain name and it's password, and you have raised the issue with the business currently responsible for managing it on your behalf we can still transfer the domain name away from them. This is achieved by lodging a dispute with the Australian Domain Registration Authority on your behalf.

If the domain name in question is an Australian domain name, one ending in .au, you may also be able to reset the password for the domainĀ here.

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